Gordon Research Conferences Gordon Research Conferences

Origin of Life

July13-18, 2003
Bates College, Maine

Chair: J. Peter Gogarten, University of Connecticut
Vice-Chair: George D. Cody, Carnegie Institution of Washington

Short Program
(session titles, names of session chairs speakers)
click HERE

Full Program UPDATED 7/11
(names of session chairs and speakers, titles of session and talks, times and dates)
click HERE

Annotated Listing of Sessions
(titles of session and talks, names of session chairs and speakers, summaries and links to further information)

click HERE

! There might be changes !
   The listings on this web page will be updated as soon as new information becomes available.

Online Applications at the GRC - Web Page
Select Origin of Life in the menu and follow instructions.

The next Origin of Life Gordon Conference will take place on July 13-18, 2003 at Bates College in Maine. Please note this date in your calendar and, if possible, try to reserve some funds to allow yourself and graduate students or post docs, who might be working with you, to attend.

Research on the Origin of Life takes place in a wide variety of disciplines ranging from Astronomy, Astrochemistry, and Prebiotic Chemistry via in vitro Evolution and Microbial Geobiology, to Molecular Phylogenetics and Comparative Genomics. The Origin of Life GRC conferences provide an excellent opportunity for scientist new to this area of interdisciplinary research to get an update on new and exciting developments that recently occurred in these different areas.

In planning the 2003 conference we relied heavily on your suggestions to provide pertinent information on the latest most interesting developments form the different disciplines. Thanks to all of you who sent in their suggestion for topics and speakers; we could cover all of the suggested topics in oral presentations (see the preliminary program), there are only so many topics that can be covered in oral presentations during one week. As is customary for GRC conferences, there will be no events scheduled in the afternoon, thus the poster area will provide ample opportunity for additional formal and informal discussions and presentations.

We look forward to hearing from you, and to see you in Maine in July,


J. Peter Gogarten (chair) and George D. Cody (vice chair)

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