J. Peter Gogarten (OFFICE: BP room 404,
Teaching Assistant: Amanda Dick (
The class meets
MW 11.15AM - 12.05AM AND
Fridays 10.10.AM-11.40AM or 1.25PM-2.55PM
and Wednesday's classes meet in Gentry 119E
classes will meet in the computer lab located on the ground floor of the
Chemistry building (T115).
(for directions see here, search for CHM or GENT)
Reading materials will be posted on huskyCT -- if you cannot get access, send your netID to
There also will be a discussion board on huskyCT. Contributions on the discussion board will count towards your participation grade.
Possibilities to boost your grade:
Email questions (multiple choice preferred) that could be used for the quizzes or exams! (counts towards participation).
Optional Essay Assignment (can take the place of one take-home exam).
Midterm: (preliminary) Wednesday, Oct. 14, 11.10AM- 12.05PM
Final: (preliminary) Wednesday, Dec. 16, 10.30am - 12.30pm
11/23-11/27 Thanksgiving break
Friday, Dec. 11 last Day of classes
(Please let me know ahead of time, if you have a conflict for this time. See syllabus for exam policy.)
Red: meets in the Computer Lab in the Chemistry Building (ground
floor, T115)
Blue: meets in Room Gentry 119E
Final Prep: Listing of goals and slides as pdfs
Topics - If you have suggestion for additional topics, please let me know,
Syllabus <- (see for grade calculation, exam policy, and penalties for academic misconduct)
Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
* Providing or receiving assistance on academic work (papers, projects, examinations) in a way that was not authorized by the instructor
* Any attempt to improperly influence (bribery, threats) any member of the faculty, staff, or administration of the University in any matter relating to academics or research
* Plagiarism
* Doing academic work for another student
* Presenting the same or substantially the same papers or projects in two or more courses without the explicit permission of the instructors
* Situations where one student knowingly assists another student in committing an act of academic misconduct, and any student doing so will be held equally accountable for the violationFor more information see the Community Standards at
Send an Email to Peter Gogarten