Assignments for Wednesday
Work through Olga's example of Bayesian thinking (here)
- Explore the population genetic simulations at
- Using the same fitness and frequency for the A1 and A2 allele, explore the impact of population size on drift?
- For a larger population size (1000) explore settings that reflect balancing selection.. (w11:.9; w12:1, w22=.95)
- What happens, if you decrease the population size?
- Using a small initial frequency of allele 1 (e.g. 0.01 with a population of 50) and a large fitness advantage for this allele, perform simulations for 20 populations.
What does this suggest for the effectiveness of natural selection? Does natural selection acting on a single advantageous allele work better in a large population?- What, if any, is the difference between a mutation and a substitution? (More than on answer is possible.)
Assignments for Friday
- Take-home exam #6 is due
For today:
Bootstrap - non-parametric (sampling with replacement)
Bootstrap - parametric (simulation using parameters extracted from a model)
Model parameters to define or estimate from the data:
PPT Slides for today