Assignment for Monday


Assignment for Friday

  • Try to go through Computerbab Assignment #6 - Use the demofile, if you have problems with the server.
  • Complete Take Home Exam #4.



Discussion of midterm (go over additional questions on home page).
Tree of life - three domains, main endosymbiosis events, archaeplastidaother algae.
Black queen hypothesis (figure)

Why is %identity not a good measure for the significance of blast hits? See blast output and histograms in demo file.

  • How are new genes are created? How can genome size increase? Everyone should have at least three distinct mechanisms.

  • Discussion of The Evolutionary Fate and Consequences of Duplicate Genes

    What is the most frequent outcome of a gene duplication?
    What is the most frequent outcome, in case the gene doesn't undergon non-functionalization?
    What does any of this have to do with building up a post mating hyybrization barrier?
    Aside: How can genes be duplicated?

Aditional slides on human evolution and archaic admixture.

Discuss terms used in cladistics - rooted versus unrooted (clades versus clanns), homoplasies, monophyletic, paraphyletic, polyphyletic, Ashlock's holophyly


example of simple perl scripts:

  • (perl script to extract top scoring hits is here (pdf)-- extra credit: how would you modify the script, to print out not only the first reported match for a query, but all hits that have equally good E-values to the first one? Note: in Perl the operator for "logical and" is && and "not equal" for a number is != and "not equal" for a string is ne)
  • (perl script to replace gi number with position on the genome is here (pdf) (faa_samplefeature_table sample)
  • How would a misplaced origin of replication look like in two similar genomes?
  • Which part of a circular bacterial genome is least conserved?
  • Aside strand bias: (G/G+C) other biases.

If time sequence space, Ebola?
