Assignment 10

Your name:
Your email address:

Answer all the questions in red in the provided boxes.


Exercise 1:

We will set-up and analyze a MrBayes analysis of the intein and extein sequences from the Yeast vma1 sequence alignment (see lab 9).  The files were saved in Nexus format "as selection" from seaview, and the following MrBayes block was added to each: 

begin mrbayes;
lset nst=6 rates=gamma;
mcmcp filename=analysis_Extein;
mcmcp samplefreq=50 printfreq=50 diagnfreq=500;
mcmcp ngen=20000;
mcmcp savebrlens=yes;

nst6 denotes the GTR model.  I only chose the gamma distribution (not "gamma+invariant sites"") because the two parameters have very similar effects in descibing ASRV. (More sites that do not change either increase "I" or lower alpha.) 
Note that these files are different form the analysis described in the lecture 18, where the intein and extein sequences were saved as partitions in a single file. All files that we will use today are in this zio file. (You will need to extract the file before you can transfer them to xanadu.)

Start filezilla and connect to (use you username and password)
Create a lab10 directory and transfer the files Yeast_vma1_extein_aligned0gen.nxs and Yeast_vma1_intein_aligned0gen.nxs into that directory.

If you want to explore submitting jobs to the queue, also transfer the shell scripts (ending in .sh) and the nexus files that include mcmc, autoclose, sump and sumt commands.
Connect to xanadu in terminal or putty:
or enter user name and address in putty

srun --pty -p mcbstudent --qos=mcbstudent --mem=2G bash
cd lab10

module load MrBayes/3.2.7

Check that the nexus files are in the directory (using more to is a good choice).
start MrBayes by typing

then type

execute Yeast_vma1_intein_aligned0gen.nxs

Read through the output after each command. 



to start the chains.

Every 50 generations the program prints a line to the screen and every 500 lines it prints the

Average standard deviation of split frequencies

This values should be below 0.01 to indicate the the two parallel runs obtain similar results.  If the value is above, run the chain for another couple 10000 generations. 

Note: As this is a "get to know" exercise, we don't need to take the .01 too seriously. When you are done (do not do more than 40000 generations - you can download the parameter and treefiles from a longer runs below)
type "no" at the Continue with analysis? (yes/no): prompt. 

After the run is finished, the " sump " command will plot the logL vs. generation number, that allows to determine the necessary burnin (you want to discard those samples as "burnin" where the -logL is still rising steadily).
To see the whole logL curve, you need to set the burnin fraction to .02 . (type help sump at the mb command line).  sump burninfrac=.02

At the start of the run, the likelihood rapidly increases by orders of magnitude. If the first samples are included in the plot, one really cannot see if the likelihood values fluctuate around a constant
value. You can exclude the first couple of samples by specifying a burnin or a burninfrac. (The new version of MrBayes uses a burnin of 25% by default.) 

Repeat the sump command using different values for  burninfrac. Select the value that no longer reveals an upswing at the beginning. 

Summarize the trees sampled after the burnin using the sumt command:
sumt burninfrac =.25  
, where you need to substitute '.25' with the number you obtained in the previous step of
the exercise. This command creates a consensus tree, and shows posterior probabilities of the clades. You can take a look at the tree
 on the screen (scroll up to see the bipartition table, and different version of the tree)

1) Which value did you use for the burnin/burninfraction?
2) Which branch in the tree is the longest? (check the  branch lengths tables, then look up the branch in the bipartition table)
3) How long is it? (use the mean value)
4) What is the measure? (Check the label at the scale bar for the last tree image)
5) How big is the shape parameters for the intein? What is the 95% credibility interval?
6) What is the probability for a nucleotide to be an A? What is the probability to be a C?
7) Can you explain in a few words, why is it important to exclude a 'burnin' from our analyses?

Exercise 2:

Check if tracer is already installed on your computer. If not, install the latest version from the github repository on your computer. 
Start Tracer on your computer.  Drag the four .p files analysis_Intein2 and analysis_Extein2 into the Trace file window (upper left).
These files were generated by submitting the script "" and "shell_for_YeastExtein_student" to the queue using the sbatch command: sbatch
To check if the process is running use squeue
A running script would result in an output like this:
3566182 mcbstuden Intein mcb3421u R 14:22 1 xanadu-68
The R stands for running. If the queue is busy you might be stuck in PD instead of R.
You also can use filezilla and check the Intein.out or Extein.out files.
The script and the nexus files with the corresponding MrBayes blocks in the zip archive.
Read through them!

Select the 2 runs for the intein (in the trace file window upper left), select trace on the upper right above the plot window, select LnL (log likelihood), uncheck Draw line plot (below the plot) to make the image less busy. 
Repeat for the two extein runs. 
Not that 10% burin is already removed, or grayed out (checkmark below the plot window).
Select alpha (the shape parameter), select marginal density on top, and histogram in the display options.  Then switch to mu estimates on top. 
What are the means for the shape parameter?
Switch to  pi(A) an pi(T).  Is the frequency of A and T different for inteins and exteins? 
The tree length for each of the sampled trees (in substitutions per site) is sampled under TL.  How long are the two trees? How many more subsitutions per site occurred overall in the intein and compared to the extein?  Is the different significant? Use the High Probability Density intervals to decide on the significance.  


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