# A typo was introduced into the assignments in class02_2018.pl script. # (A $i was turned into a $1) - the latter is a special variable in pattern matches, which in this context leads to errors. # download the latest version of class01_2018.pl, or change the $1 to a $i. # I work on a Mac and use a program called textwrangler - which has context dependent coloring, AND # it allows to run simple scripts from within the text editor - # just click the little shebang sytem in the menu. # For PCs the Crimson editor seems to be similar. # One of the tasks for you is to find a way to work under unix without too many problems. # One possibility is for you to write and edit scripts directly on the server. # if you do this using nono, add the .nanorc file to your home folder on bbcsrv3. # If you do so using vi (or vim) add .vimrc to your home directory. # The linked files are called dot_vimrc - # after you placed the files into your home directory on the cluster, # you need to rename them to .nanorc or .vimrc --- you could use the unix command: mv dot_nanorc .nanorc # and mv dot_vimrc .vimrc