MCB 5472

Computer Methods in Molecular Evolution


None is required but the following are recommended.


Unix and Perl Primer for Biologists Keith Bradnam & Ian Korf Version 3.1.2

Available at

html version is recommended, pdf version is here

Inferring Phylogenies
by Joe Felsenstein

ISBN: 0-87893-177-5;   $61.95 paper

Excellent book on phylogenetics and many aspects of population genetics (e.g., gene coalescence in populations, a topic that is rather relevant to species phylogenies in microorganisms :)).
For most MCBler this is not exactly bedtime reading, but if you need a well founded thorough explanation, this is a good book to consult.

Link to publisher, link to


Learning Perl,
7th Edition
By Randal L. Schwartz, Tom Phoenix, brian d foy
Fourth Edition July 2005
ISBN: 0-596-10105-8

This book is available via safari online - search for learning PERL or try here

Perl and DNA

Perl for Biologists

A collection of episodes with videos, codes, and exercises for learning the basics of the Perl programming language through genomics examples.