Using the same fitness and frequency for the A1 and A2 allele, explore the impact of population size on drift?
For a larger population size (1000) explore settings that reflect balancing selection.. (w11:.9; w12:1, w22=.95)
What happens, if you decrease the population size?
Using a small initial frequency of allele 1 (e.g. 0.01 with a population of 50) and a large fitness advantage for this allele, perform simulations for 20 populations.
What does this suggest for the effectiveness of natural selection? Does natural selection acting on a single advantageous allele work better in a large population?
Refresh you knowledge of Baysian approaches to phylogenetic inference.
Read the following sections in the Wikipedia entry Intro, Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny, Background and Bases, Pitfalls and controversies, MRBAYES software for Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny)