MCB 3421 - Fall 2020

Introduction to Molecular Evolution and Bioinformatics

   Instructor: J. Peter Gogarten (OFFICE: BP room 404, personal room at Webex,

   Teaching Assistant: Sean Gosselin (

The class meets for
              Mondays & Wednesdays 11.15 AM-12.05 PM (asynchronous) online at huskyCT,
              lectures will be pre-recorded or recorded. You can go through the lectures at your own time.

  Computer labs and discussion:
              Fridays 10:10AM - 11:40AM or 1:25PM - 2:55PM (synchronous)
              online using Webex at Links to worksheets will be posted below.

Office hours, question-and-answer sessions:
          J Peter Gogarten   
              Mondays & Wednesdays 12.05 PM – 12.45 PM or arranged via email.             
               online using Webex at
         Sean Gosselin
             Mondays & Wednesdays 3.00 PM – 4.00 PM or arranged via email   
              online using Webex at         

Reading materials will be posted on huskyCT or the Microsoft Class Notebook

 We have a discussion board on huskyCT. Contributions on the discussion board will count towards your participation grade.

 Please check the 2020 Syllabus (here) for information on grading.

The Class Notebook

In addition to huskyCT and Webex, we will use a Microsoft Class Notebook.

Possibilities to boost your grade:

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  Last year's course web page

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